25 January 2006

To blog is human

I read in Harper's that a new blog is created every second. An incredible number, if you think about it: if my math is correct that works out to 31,536,000 new blogs a year. I have no idea how many blogs exist at the moment (each word I type represents an additional blog to that number). As of this very moment, that represents a mere fraction of the population of the United States (and I'm really uncertain of my math here, it's late, my contacts are sticky and I've had a glass of wine) but I think it's something like 1% of the current population. And as I'm a literature type, not a math type (though I loved Freakonomics), I cannot postulate how long it will be before every person in the United States has a blog. (How do you account for people's potential access to a computer, given the discrepancies of income, access and after factoring in the inflation rate?) But -- if one person per second creates a new blog (does this outpace the number of people dying of anything?), then it seems that it won't be long before blogging becomes as pervasive as talking. That fifth graders will create their own blog rather than outline one another on a stretch of butcher block paper, as I did back in the eighties, filling in the self-cavity with images of their personal interests and hobbies. And how will this impact language? Will textual representation become mundane? Will the confessional genre become so saturated that memoirs cede their status as publisher's choice?


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