07 October 2008

how to support a dissertator

This question has bugged me and Mychal for too many years. Witness the unfinished dissertation...
Neither of us is really certain just how to support this (ridiculous) endeavor. It's not a paid position, so no one will give me a raise for turning in a chapter. It's not a sport, so no need for cheerleading (and no podiums). Mychal's not my mother, so he can't nag.

And, yet, today, without even asking, I was given a full complement of support:
-a friend in the neighborhood picked me up at 5:45am for swimming
-Mychal took Axel to daycare, giving me 45 extra minutes to work (and, goes without saying, relieving me from the sob-inducing guilt)
-a friend via facebook brilliantly offered that we needed a writing theme song, which gave me the perfect excuse for watching this
-another friend in the 'hood brought me peet's coffee for the mid-morning slump
-Mychal changed his chat icon to
and then "slip[ped] quietly out of chat" so as not to distract

So that's how five more hours were billed to Chapter Four. Thanks village!

06 October 2008

from best to worst in seven days flat

Last week I made the best home-made graham crackers ever, according to Axel. With molasses and brown sugar, which made them, I thought, too sweet.

So this week I omitted the sugar and made the worst graham crackers ever. And Axel still throws a tantrum to get them.
