18 February 2006

get out of jail free card

I know Italy is a member of the post-Industrial world. That does not explain why their legal system is mired in primordial goo. Turns out that if a step-dad forces his step-daughter to blow him, he's less guilty of the crime if she's no longer a virgin. Good to know virgin mythology dictates the civic code!

ITALY: NONVIRGINITY LESSENS SEX ABUSE CHARGE, COURT SAYS Sexually abusing a teenager is a less serious crime if the girl is not a virgin, Italy's highest court said in a ruling. The court ruled in favor of a man who forced his 14-year-old stepdaughter to have oral sex with him and appealed a prison sentence of 40 months, arguing that the fact that the girl had had sex with other men should have been taken into consideration at his trial as a mitigating factor. The court agreed, saying that because of the victim's previous sexual experiences, her "personality, from a sexual point of view," was more developed and that therefore the damage to her was less than if she had been a virgin. The decision, which drew a barrage of criticism, opened the way for the stepfather to get a lighter sentence. (REUTERS)

More to the point, though, is why U.S. media relegates this to Reuters feed and deems it not worthy of a multi-line article? Surely it passes the sensationalism test? Or is it because U.S. media enjoys being the tacit accomplice to chronic sexual discrimination against women?


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